Assigns finite strip results to a Design Frame Element. Finite strip results are typically used for cold-formed shapes. Assigning finite strip results only affects the element design and does not affect analysis.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Design Frame Element DesignFrameElement The design frame element to assign finite strip results to. No
2 Compression System.Double Finite strip compression capacity. No
3 M3 Positive System.Double Finite strip positive moment capacity about the local 3-axis, in model moment units. No
4 M3 Negative System.Double Finite strip negative moment capacity about the local 3-axis, in model moment units. No
5 M2 Positive System.Double Finite strip positive moment capacity about the local 2-axis, in model moment units. No
6 M2 Negative System.Double Finite strip negative moment capacity about the local 2-axis, in model moment units. No
7 Calculations System.String Finite strip calculations (if any) to add to the calculation report. This should be in HTML format. These calculations are generated by the C-Shape Capacity component. Yes
8 Null System.Boolean Whether to assign finite strip results as null. Assigning null results will force the designer to use the effective width method. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Design Frame Element DesignFrameElement The input design frame element with finite strip results assigned.

Assign Finite Strip.png