This component will attempt to perform design automation on elements specifically marked for automated design. It runs an analysis, checks demand-capacity ratios, modifies member or section sizes as needed, and re-runs the analysis. This loop continues until the model has converged (i.e. all DCRs are less than 1) or the maximum number of iterations are reached.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Run System.Boolean Set to true to enable. No
2 Design Model GenericDesignModel The generic design model to run automated design with. No
3 Number of Iterations System.Int32 Maximum number of iterations before the automated design process stops. No


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Debug System.String An output used to report errors.
2 Design Model GenericDesignModel The generic design model with analysis results.
3 Log System.String A detailed analysis log.

Check-Box Parameters

There are check-boxes on this element that provide additional input control.

Name Available Options Description
Show Progress On/Off Check to display a progress window that informs the user as to the state of the analysis. This is useful for large models to track progress. For small models, it has overhead cost and will only slow down the runs.

Automate Design.PNG


Load Combinations Window