The automesh options form is displayed when the “Automesh Options” button is pressed on the Create Design Frame Element form. This allows the user to control frame element automeshing.

Automesh Options Form.png

Mesh at Intersecting Frames

Automeshes the element at all intersecting frame elements. This includes frames whose end points fall on this element, or frames that cross this element.

Mesh at Intersecting Shells

Automeshes the element at all intersecting area elements. If this frame element lies in the same plane as the area element, the any shell nodes (formed from area element automeshing) that fall directly on this element will force an automesh point.

If this frame does not lie in the same plane as the area element, but instead intersects it at a point, that one point will force an automesh point.

Mesh at Intersecting Solids

Automeshes the element at all solid element nodes that fall directly on this element.

Mesh at Intersecting Nodes

Automeshes the element at intersection with any point/node.

Include in Area Mesh

Whether to include this element in area meshes. If this box is unchecked, the frame line will not be included in the area element automeshing. This removes the frame line from the mesh constraints. Un-checking this option while simultaneously keeping “Mesh at Intersecting Shells” on can lead to unexpected behavior.

Min Subdivisions

The minimum number of automesh divisions, regardless of other options.