Returns the total base reaction, which includes forces and moments summed about the centroid of all reaction points. This means that the sum of moments includes the effect of moving the forces to the geometric centroid of the reaction points. The reaction points include both fixed reaction degrees of freedom and single-node springs.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Design Model GenericDesignModel The model that was analyzed. No
2 Load Combo LoadCombination The load combination to retrieve reactions for. No


Number Name Object Type Description
1 SumFX System.Double Sum of the forces in the global X-direction.
2 SumFY System.Double Sum of the forces in the global Y-direction.
3 SumFZ System.Double Sum of the forces in the global Z-direction.
4 SumMX System.Double Sum of the moments about the global X-axis, with moments summed about the geometric centroid of the reaction group.
5 SumMY System.Double Sum of the moments about the global Y-axis, with moments summed about the geometric centroid of the reaction group.
6 SumMZ System.Double Sum of the moments about the global Z-axis, with moments summed about the geometric centroid of the reaction group.

Check-Box Parameters

There are check-boxes on this element that provide additional input control.

Name Available Options Description
Res Type Def; Min; Max The result type is specifically used for retrieving loads from a response spectrum (RSA) case. In RSA, the static load values are computed first (default). Then, the absolute RSA values are either added (maximum) or subtracted (minimum) from the default case. Thus, this option facilitates the choice between the default, minimum, or maximum RSA cases.

Base Reaction.PNG