Creates a new area spring properties object that can be assigned to an area spring element. Area spring properties contain spring constants (in force per cubic length) that can be assigned to the X, Y, and Z directions. Each direction can be assigned tension/compression only flags, and the spring may be defined in the global coordinate system or local coordinate system.
Number | Name | Object Type | Description | Optional |
1 | Kx | System.Double | Translational stiffness in the global X-direction. Defaults to 0. | Yes |
2 | Ky | System.Double | Translational stiffness in the global Y-direction. Defaults to 0. | Yes |
3 | Kz | System.Double | Translational stiffness in the global Z-direction. Defaults to 0. | Yes |
4 | Rot | System.Double | Rotation of the local Y & Z axes about the local X axis, in degrees. Defaults to 0. | Yes |
5 | Loc Coord | System.Boolean | Whether the area spring is defined in the local coordinate system. If set to true, uses local. If set to false, uses global. The local coordinate system aligns the local X-axis with the area polygon’s normal vector. Defaults to true. | Yes |
Number | Name | Object Type | Description |
1 | Spring Property | DesignAreaSpringProperties | A new design area spring properties object. |
If you would like to assign tension/compression only behavior, you can click on the “Behavior” button at the bottom of the component, which will bring up the following window: