Creates a Design Area Element from a Rhino or Grasshopper mesh. This area element uses the mesh faces as its elements and does not auto-mesh itself. A dummy planar polygon is generated that encompasses the X, Y, and Z values of all mesh nodes. This dummy polygon is not useful for any purpose, but is required by the object internally.

A Rhino/Grasshopper mesh can be made up of triangles or quadrilaterals. Triangles are always planar. Quadrilaterals, however, may not be planar. Thus, any quadrilateral mesh faces are split into two triangular faces.

Because this element does not auto-mesh itself, connectivity with other intersecting elements is not guaranteed. Connectivity will only occur if the other elements intersect with nodes of the mesh.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Mesh GH_Mesh A Rhino or Grasshopper mesh object. No
2 Thickness System.Double Thickness of the design area element. Units for this value are defined in the Model Definitions. No
3 Design Element Area Loads List<DesignAreaLoads> List of design area loads to apply to the design area element. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Design Area Element DesignAreaElement The design area element with the assigned loads and properties.

Create Design Area Element from Mesh.png

To assign the more nuanced area element options, click the blue “Element Options” button at the bottom of the component. See the Create Design Area Element wiki page for a description of these options.