Creates a line load that gets applied to a frame element. Units are in force or moment per length. If no magnitudes are input, returns a force that has zero magnitude.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Start Magnitude System.Double Magnitude of the load at the start point, in force or moment per length. Yes
2 End Magnitude System.Double Magnitude of the load at the end point, in force or moment per length. Yes
3 Relative Start Location System.Double Relative location, along the length of the frame element, of the start point of the load. Must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Should be smaller than relative end location. Yes
4 Relative End Location System.Double Relative location, along the length of the frame element, of the end point of the load. Must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Should be greater than relative start location. Yes
5 Direction System.Int32 Integer that defines the load direction. 0 = Fx, 1 = Fy, 2 = Fz, 3 = Mx, 4 = My, 5 = Mz Yes
6 Local Coord System.Boolean Whether the load is defined in the local coordinate system. Default is false (global coordinate system). Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Design Frame Line Load DesignFrameLineLoad A line load applied that can be applied to a frame element.


The blue button at the bottom of the component with the “Assign Pattern” text allows you to assign a load pattern (that is defined in the model definitions) to the load. The load pattern must be assigned for the component to run. Otherwise, an error will be thrown.

Create Design Frame Line Load.PNG