Creates a nodal displacement that can be imposed on a design point element. THIS IS NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Ux System.Double Displacement in the X-direction, in model unit system. Yes
2 Uy System.Double Displacement in the Y-direction, in model unit system. Yes
3 Uz System.Double Displacement in the Z-direction, in model unit system. Yes
4 Rx System.Double Rotation about the X-axis, in radians. Yes
5 Ry System.Double Rotation about the Y-axis, in radians. Yes
6 Rz System.Double Rotation about the Z-axis, in radians. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Design Nodal Displacement DesignNodalDisplacement A nodal displacement that can be applied to a design point element.


The blue button at the bottom of the component with the “Assign Pattern” text allows you to assign a load pattern (that is defined in the model definitions) to the load. The load pattern must be assigned for the component to run. Otherwise, an error will be thrown.

Create Design Nodal Displacement.PNG