Creates a Design Point Element, which is used to assign restraints, single-node springs, and nodal loads.
Number | Name | Object Type | Description | Optional |
1 | Point | GH_Point | A point that can be converted to a GH_Point. | No |
2 | ID | System.Int32 | A unique point identifier. | Yes |
3 | Design Nodal Force | List<DesignNodalForce> | List of nodal forces to apply to the node. | Yes |
4 | Design Nodal Disp | List<DesignNodalDisplacement> | List of nodal displacements to apply to the node. Must turn on iterative analysis to use imposed displacements. | Yes |
5 | Design Spring Properties | DesignSpringProperties | Spring properties to assign to the node. | Yes |
Number | Name | Object Type | Description |
1 | Design Point Element | DesignPointElement | A new design point element created with the assigned loads, spring properties, and restraints. |
Restraints are applied to the node by selecting any number of the check-boxes in the “Restraints” region. The Fx, Fy, and Fz represent the translational restraints in the global X, Y, and Z directions, respectively. The Mx, My, and Mz represent the rotational restraints about the global X, Y, and Z axes.