Creates a design solid element from the input geometry. Must be either a pentahedron or hexahedron, but the component will automatically detect the type and try to create the associated solid element.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Geometry GH_Brep A 6 or 8-sided solid with planar faces that can be converted to a GH_Brep. No
2 Design Element Solid Loads List<DesignSolidLoad> List of body forces, with units of force per volume. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Solid Element DesignSolidElement The design pentahedron or hexahedron element with the assigned properties and loads.

Create Design Solid.PNG

To assign the more nuanced area element options, click the blue “Element Options” button at the bottom of the component. This will bring up the following window:

Assign Solid Element Options.PNG

Solid Element Options

  1. Element Behavior
    1. Linear Shape Functions: Formulates the solid using linear shape functions (8-node brick)
    2. Quadratic Shape Functions: Formulates the solid using quadratic shape functions (20-node brick)
    3. Rotation about local Z axis: Rotation of the local axes about the local Z-axis. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.
    4. Formulate in Local Coordinates: Check this box to formulate the element in the local coordinate system. The default formulation is in the global coordinate system. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.
    5. Simplify Consistent Nodal Forces: Check this box to simplify the calculation of consistent nodal forces. This uses closed-form equations to distribute forces and mass to each of the nodes. The default is to use the shape functions and Gauss quadrature to form the consistent nodal forces.
  2. Material
    1. Material: The material to assign to the element.
  3. Stiffness Modifiers
    1. F11: Axial stiffness modifier in the local 1-direction.
    2. F22: Axial stiffness modifier in the local 2-direction.
    3. F33: Axial stiffness modifier in the local 3-direction.
    4. F12: Shear stiffness along the 1-face in the 2-direction.
    5. F13: Shear stiffness along the 1-face in the 3-direction.
    6. F23: Shear stiffness along the 2-face in the 3-direction.
    7. Mass: Modifier to apply to the element mass.
    8. Weight: Modifier to apply to the element self-weight.