Creates an element group that is used to control preview display and assign diaphragms for auto-lateral force eccentricity computation.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 ID System.Int32 An integer ID. Defaults to 0. Yes
2 Name System.String Name of the element group. No
3 Color System.Drawing.Color Color that elements will be displayed in when colored by group. Defaults to blue. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. Yes
4 Opacity System.Double Opacity of the elements when colored by group. Defaults to 1.0. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. Yes
5 Diaphragm System.Boolean Whether this group of elements represents the extents of a diaphragm. This is not for create rigid or semi-rigid diaphragms. This is for determining diaphragm extents for use when calculating accidental eccentricities. Defaults to false. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Element Group ElementGroup A new element group.

Create Element Group.PNG