Creates a frame bracing options object that can be assigned to a design frame element.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Create Frame Bracing FrameBracingOptions A frame bracing options object

Frame Bracing Options.png

To assign frame bracing options, click on the “Bracing Options” button at the bottom of the component. This will bring up the following window:

Frame Bracing Options Window.png

The Axis 2 - Top Flange and Axis 2 - Bottom Flange bracing options are associated with the flanges along the positive and negative local 2-axis, respectively. Hence, these options would be associated with flange buckling in the local 3-axis direction.

The Axis 3 - Top Flange and Axis 3 - Bottom Flange bracing options are associated with the flanges along the positive and negative local 3-axis, respectively. Hence, these options would be associated with flange buckling in the local 2-axis direction.