Creates a generic design model, which contains all of the geometry and information related to the 3D finite element model. When this component runs, all design elements are meshed into analytical elements. Thus, this component can take time, depending on how large the model is.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Design Elements List<DesignElement> A list of all design elements (including free nodes, springs, restraints, etc.) that make up the model. No


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Generic Design Model GenericDesignModel The generic design model, meshed and ready for analysis.
2 Log System.String An output log that provides some insight to errors.
3 Bad Geometry List<GeomeryBase> A list of geometries that were removed from the analysis because they did not satisfy certain constraints. These are only Rhino geometries and not design or analytical elements. This list allows the user to identify locations where geometry is a problem.

Create Generic Design Model.PNG