The workflow shown below creates a slider that can cycle through the load combinations that were analyzed. This may be different from the total number of load combinations defined. As such, this component sequence provides, in effect, a dynamic slider that updates on each analysis run.

The procedure is:

  1. Get a list of all load combinations analyzed using the Load Combinations component.
  2. Get the length of the load combination list using the List Length component.
  3. Subtract 1 from the list length using the Subtraction component to get the 0-based last index, ‘n’.
  4. Create a numeric floating point slider with a range of 0 to 1.
  5. Remap the slider value using the Remap Numbers component. The input range is the slider range (0 to 1) while the target range is 0 to ‘n’.
  6. Using the Round component, get the ‘floor’ value (rounding down to nearest integer) of the result from remapping.
  7. Get the load combination at the ‘floor’ index using the Load Combo From Index component.

Load Combination Slider.png

Components Used