Creates a new design frame element by offsetting a parent design frame element. Does not auto-mesh the new element, but instead offsets the discretized mesh from the parent element. All properties from the parent frame are copied to the offset frame. Provides an option to copy loads from the parent frame, but also allows for additional loads to be specified.

Because no auto-meshing is performed on the offset frame element, connectivity cannot be guaranteed at the new location.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Design Frame Element DesignFrameElement The parent design frame element to offset. No
2 Vector GH_Vector The vector that defines the offset direction and magnitude. No
3 Design Frame Loads List<LinearElementLoad> List of linear element loads. These can be design frame line loads, design frame thermal loads, or design frame point loads. Yes
4 Use Host Loads System.Boolean Whether to copy the frame loads from the parent design frame element. Defaults to false. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Design Frame Element DesignFrameElement A new offset design frame element.

Create Offset Frame Element.PNG