Creates solid elements by extruding the mesh of a design area element. The design area element and its mesh remain unaltered and continue to be included in the analysis model.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Design Area Element DesignAreaElement The area element to extrude from. No
2 Thickness System.Double Thickness of the extrusion, in the model unit system. No
3 Direction System.Int32 The direction to offset. The offset always occurs along the local Z axis of the area element (normal to the plane). The direction is taken as the sign of this input. If a negative value is entered, the new element is offset in the negative local Z direction, and vice-a-versa for positive. Defaults to 1. Yes
4 Design Element Solid Loads List<DesignSolidLoad> List of solid element body forces, with units of force per volume. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Solid Extrusion DesignSolidExtrusion A new solid extrusion element.

Create Solid Extrusion.PNG