Creates spring properties to assign to a design point element.
Number | Name | Object Type | Description | Optional |
1 | Kx | System.Double | Translational stiffness in the global X-direction. Defaults to 0. | Yes |
2 | Ky | System.Double | Translational stiffness in the global Y-direction. Defaults to 0. | Yes |
3 | Kz | System.Double | Translational stiffness in the global Z-direction. Defaults to 0. | Yes |
4 | Krx | System.Double | Rotational stiffness about the global X-axis. Defaults to 0. | Yes |
5 | Kry | System.Double | Rotational stiffness about the global X-axis. Defaults to 0. | Yes |
6 | Krz | System.Double | Rotational stiffness about the global X-axis. Defaults to 0. | Yes |
7 | X-Vector | Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d | Vector that defines the direction of the local X-axis. Defaults to the global X-axis. | Yes |
8 | Rot | System.Double | Rotation of the local Y & Z axes about the local X axis, in degrees. Defaults to 0. | Yes |
Number | Name | Object Type | Description |
1 | Spring Property | DesignSpringProperties | A new design spring properties object. |
If you would like to assign tension/compression only behavior, you can click on the “Behavior” button at the bottom of the component, which will bring up the following window: