Returns the section cut forces at the specified load combination.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Section Cut SectionCut The section cut to return forces for. No
2 Load Combo LoadCombination The load combination to return forces for. No
3 Result Type System.Int32 An integer, either 0, 1, or 2, that indicates whether to return the Default (0), Max (1), or Min (2) result for the load combination. This is only used when the load combination contains an RSA pattern. The Default (0) case does not contain the RSA pattern. The Max (1) case returns the maximum total loads, including RSA. The Min (2) case returns the minimum total loads, including RSA. If no value is provided, the Default (0) value is selected. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 FX System.Double Force in the local X-direction.
2 FY System.Double Force in the local Y-direction.
3 FZ System.Double Force in the local Z-direction.
4 MX System.Double Moment about the local X-axis.
5 MY System.Double Moment about the local Y-axis.
6 MZ System.Double Moment about the local Z-axis.
7 Name System.String Name of the section cut. If none was assigned, returns an empty string.
8 Centroid Point3d The geometric centroid of the section cut.
9 Polygon PolylineCurve The section cut polygon. This is either user-defined or auto-generated, depending on the type of section cut used.

Cut Forces at Combo.png