Deconstructs a Design Area Element.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Design Area Element DesignAreaElement The design area element to be deconstructed. No


Number Name Object Type Description
1 GUID System.String The design area element’s GUID
2 Boundary PolylineCurve The boundary polygon
3 Holes List<PolylineCurve> List of polygons that represent the holes defined in the area element.
4 Thickness System.Double Thickness of the element, in model units.
5 Modifiers ShellStiffnessModifiers Stiffness modifiers applied to all analysis shell elements within the design element.
6 Material ElasticMaterial The material assigned to the element.
7 Auto Mesh System.Boolean Whether the area element is set to auto-mesh.
8 Auto Mesh Options AutoMeshOptions Auto-mesh options.
9 Inc Frames System.Boolean Determines whether the auto-mesh will include frames.
10 Inc Links System.Boolean Determines whether the auto-mesh will include links.
11 Inc Areas System.Boolean Determines whether the auto-mesh will include other areas.
12 Inc Points System.Boolean Determines whether the auto-mesh will include design points.
13 Z Rotation System.Double The element local axis rotation about the z-axis, in radians.
14 Shear Deformation System.Boolean Determines whether the shell formulation is thin shell (no shear deformation through thickness) or thick shell
15 Plate Bending System.Boolean Determines whether the elements include plate bending behavior. If not, they are membrane only.
16 Analysis Shells List<ShellElement> List of all analysis shell elements generated by the auto-mesher.

Deconstruct Design Area.PNG