Deconstructs a design point element, giving access to its properties.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Design Point Element DesignPointElement The design point element to deconstruct. No


Number Name Object Type Description
1 GUID System.String The design element’s unique GUID, as a string.
2 Node AnalysisNode The analysis node associated with the design point element (in the analysis unit system).
3 Point Rhino.Geometry.Point3d A Rhino point associated with the design point element (in the model unit system).
4 Design Spring Properties DesignSpringProperties Design spring properties assigned to the point, if any.
5 Design Nodal Forces List<DesignNodalForce> List of all nodal forces assigned to the point, if any.
6 Design Nodal Displacements List<DesignNodalDisplacement> List of all nodal displacements assigned to the point, if any.
7 Is Drift Node System.Boolean Whether this node is defined as a drift node.
8 Drift Groups List<DriftGroup> List of all drift groups that this point is a part of.

Deconstruct Design Point Element.PNG