Deconstructs a nodal displacement into its translational and rotational components.
Number | Name | Object Type | Description | Optional |
1 | Nodal Displacement | NodalDisplacement | The nodal displacement to deconstruct. | No |
Number | Name | Object Type | Description |
1 | Ux | System.Double | Global X-direction translation, in the model unit system. |
2 | Uy | System.Double | Global Y-direction translation, in the model unit system. |
3 | Uz | System.Double | Global Z-direction translation, in the model unit system. |
4 | Rx | System.Double | Rotation about the global X-axis, in radians. |
5 | Ry | System.Double | Rotation about the global Y-axis, in radians. |
6 | Rz | System.Double | Rotation about the global Z-axis, in radians. |