Deconstructs a section strip, providing access to useful parameters.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional?
1 Section Strip SectionStrip A section strip object. No


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Name System.String The user-defined name of the section cut, if one exists. If none, returns an empty string.
2 Line Line The section strip line, in the model unit system.
3 Centroid Point3d The geometric centroid of the section strip line.
4 Local Axes LocalAxes The local axes of the section cut.
5 Width System.Double Width of the section cuts generated by the strip, in the model unit system.
6 Angle System.Double Angle of section cuts generated relative to perpendicular, in degrees.
7 Min Sections System.Int32 Minimum number of section cuts to create along the length of the line.
8 Max Dist Between Sections System.Double Maximum distance between section cuts along the line. This is in the model unit system.
9 Dist End I System.Double Distance from End I (start) to the first section cut. This is in the model unit system.
10 Dist End J System.Double Distance from End J (end) to the last section cut. This is in the model unit system.
11 Side System.Int32 Which side to integrate forces on. Top is the positive Z-axis of the section cut. Bottom is the negative Z-axis of the section cut. 0 = Top, 1 = Bottom
12 Includes Frames System.Boolean Boolean that determines whether the section cut includes frame forces.
13 Includes Shells System.Boolean Boolean that determines whether the section cut includes shell forces.
14 Includes Solids System.Boolean Boolean that determines whether the section cut includes solid forces.
15 Includes Links System.Boolean Boolean that determines whether the section cut includes link forces.

Deconstruct Section Strip.PNG