Deconstructs an analytical shell element, providing access to useful properties.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Shell ShellElement The analytical shell element to be deconstructed. No


Number Name Object Type Description
1 ID System.Int32 The shell element’s unique integer ID. This value is set when the analysis is run.
2 GUID System.String The shell element’s unique GUID. This value is set when the shell element is created and added to the model.
3 Parent GUID System.String The GUID of the parent DesignAreaElement that created this analytical shell.
4 Nodes List<AnalysisNode> List of analysis nodes that make up the vertices of the shell. Will contain three nodes for a triangular shell and four nodes for a quadrilateral shell.
5 Centroid Point3d Centroid of the shell element, in the display unit system.
6 Area System.Double Area of the shell element, in the display unit system.
7 Thickness System.Double Thickness of the shell element, in the display unit system.
8 Modifiers ShellStiffnessModifiers Stiffness modifiers for shell behavior.
9 Material ElasticMaterial Material assigned to the shell.
10 Z Rotation System.Double The element local axis rotation about the z-axis, in radians.
11 Shear Deformation System.Boolean Determines whether the shell formulation is thin shell (no shear deformation through thickness) or thick shell
12 Plate Bending System.Boolean Determines whether the elements include plate bending behavior. If not, they are membrane only.

Deconstruct Shell.PNG