Deconstructs a ShellStiffnessModifiers object.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Shell Stress ShellStiffnessModifiers The shell stiffness modifier to deconstruct. No


Number Name Object Type Description
1 F11 System.Double The F11 (local x-axis) axial stiffness modifier
2 F22 System.Double The F22 (local y-axis) axial stiffness modifier
3 F12 System.Double The F12 (local x-y) shear stiffness modifier
4 M11 System.Double The M11 bending stiffness modifier. This affects stiffness in the direction of the local 1 (x-axis), which is about the local 2 (y-axis).
5 M22 System.Double The M2 bending stiffness modifier. This affects stiffness in the direction of the local 2 (y-axis), which is about the local 1 (x-axis).
6 M12 System.Double The M12 bending stiffness modifier. This is the twisting stiffness.
7 G13 System.Double The G13 (through-thickness) shear stiffness modifier.
8 Mass System.Double The mass modifier used in eigenvalue analysis.
9 Weight System.Double The weight modifier, used for self weight calculation.

Deconstruct Shell Modifiers.PNG