Deconstructs a section strip force (SectionStripForce obect). A section strip force contains forces for all section cuts generated along the strip line.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional?
1 Strip Force SectionStripForce A section strip force object. No


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Name System.String The user-defined name of the section cut, if one exists. If none, returns an empty string.
2 Line Line The section strip line, in the model unit system.
3 Points List<Point3d> A list of points along the strip line at which a section cut was generated. This list is ordered from End I to End J of the strip line.
4 Fx List<System.Double> List of integrated section cut local X-direction forces, one for each section cut. This is an ordered list that corresponds to the output Points. The local axes are those of the section strip.
5 Fy List<System.Double> List of integrated section cut local Y-direction forces, one for each section cut. This is an ordered list that corresponds to the output Points. The local axes are those of the section strip.
6 Fz List<System.Double> List of integrated section cut local Z-direction forces, one for each section cut. This is an ordered list that corresponds to the output Points. The local axes are those of the section strip.
7 Mx List<System.Double> List of integrated section cut moments about the local X-axis, one for each section cut. This is an ordered list that corresponds to the output Points. The local axes are those of the section strip.
8 My List<System.Double> List of integrated section cut moments about the local X-axis, one for each section cut. This is an ordered list that corresponds to the output Points. The local axes are those of the section strip.
9 Mz List<System.Double> List of integrated section cut moments about the local X-axis, one for each section cut. This is an ordered list that corresponds to the output Points. The local axes are those of the section strip.

Deconstruct Strip Force.PNG