Creates a Rhino mesh from a planar surface using Delaunay triangulation.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Surface Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Surface A planar surface (may contain holes) to mesh. No
2 Mesh Size System.Double Approximate mesh size to target. Yes
3 Points List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point> List of points to include in the mesh. Yes
4 Lines List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve> List of lines to include in the mesh. These must be individual line segments and cannot be polylines or other curves. Yes
5 Max Angle System.Double Maximum mesh angle to target. Yes
6 Min Angle System.Double Minimum mesh angle to target. Yes
7 Num Refinements System.Int32 Number of refinements to perform. Yes
8 Num Smooths System.Int32 Number of smoothing operations to perform. Yes
9 Refine Smooth System.Boolean Whether to refine after each smoothing operation. Yes
10 Quads System.Boolean Whether the mesher should try to form quads out of adjacent triangles. Defaults to false. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Mesh Rhino.Geometry.Mesh A Rhino mesh.

Mesh From Surface.PNG