Prints a design summary report for the entire model.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Generic Design Model GenericDesignModel The generic design model to run design checks on. No
2 Folder System.String Folder path where the output html file should be saved. If left empty, defaults to the user’s temporary folder. Yes
3 Name System.String Name of output file. If left empty, defaults to “DesignSummaryReport.html” Yes
4 Strength System.Boolean Whether to include strength design in the design summary report. Defaults to true. Yes
5 Service System.Boolean Whether to include service design in the design summary report. Defaults to true. Yes
6 Detailing System.Boolean Whether to include detailing design in the design summary report. Defaults to true. Yes
7 Deflection System.Boolean Whether to include deflection design in the design summary report. Defaults to true. Yes
8 Fire System.Boolean Whether to include fire design in the design summary report. Defaults to true. Yes
9 Color DCR System.Boolean Whether to color the design summary based on DCR values. If this document will be printed in black and white, it is recommended to set this to false. Defaults to true. Yes
10 Detailed Elements List<DesignElement> List of design elements for which detailed calculations will be printed. Defaults to an empty list. Yes
11 Load Combinations List<LoadCombination> List of load combinations to print detailed sample calculations for. If list is null or empty, defaults to all load combinations analyzed. Yes
12 Use Elem Names System.Boolean Whether to display user-assigned element names instead of unique GUIDs in the summary table. The user must assign element names for them to be displayed. Otherwise, the GUID will be displayed. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 File System.String Full file path of the output html file.

Print Summary Report.PNG