Queries the elevation of a location using the local geoTIFF file stored at the following location:

Your Rhino Plugin Folder/Fenix/UnitedStates100m/elev48i0100a.tif

The geoTIFF must be at this location for this component to work. The geoTIFF comprises the lower 48 contiguous United States. Other locations are not currently supported.

The goeTiff can be downloaded from HERE.

The geoTIFF has a 100m resolution, meaning that each pixel represents a 100m x 100m square area. Thus, the elevation accuracy depends on the elevation variation within the 100m grid that the location lies within. Note that, for the purpose of determining wind loads, snow loads, etc., elevations from this geoTIFF should be more than adequate.

This component provides an alternative to the Query Elevation component, which utilizes opentopodata.org to return an elevation.

Benefits of using the geoTIFF are:

Disadvantages of using the geoTIFF are:


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Latitude System.Double Latitude of location. No
2 Longitude System.Double Longitude of location. No


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Elevation System.Double The elevation of the location in the model unit system.
2 Units System.String Descriptor of the output units.
