This window allows some control over the linear algebra solver.
Pressing “OK” will cause the analysis to run. If you don’t want the analysis to run after saving this window, disable the “Analyze Model” component or set the “Run” flag to false.

FEA Solver Options
- General
- Provide Model Diagnostics**:** Intended to provide some diagnostics for the linear algebra solver should an error be thrown. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.
- Matrix Storage
- Matrix Storage: Type of sparse matrix storage. Column major stores the column index first, while row major stores the row index first.
- Solver Type: Allows user to switch between different solvers. The two recommended solvers are:
- Simplicial LDLT for standard building models. These are models that include points, springs, frames, links, and shells, of any size. Small numbers of solid elements are fine.
- Pardiso LDLT for denser models. These are models with numerous solid elements.
- Remove Zero Stiffness DoFs: Check this box to actually remove zero stiffness degrees-of-freedom from the model. Otherwise, the degrees-of-freedom are kept and a very small stiffness value is added along the diagonal to prevent ill-conditioning. Removing DoFs can make the problem smaller, but can also be costly up front, so it may not be worth doing.
- Allocate Matrix Memory: Check this box to pre-allocate unmanaged memory for certain matrix operations. This usually does not change the run-time significantly in either direction.