This component analyzes a generic design model. It also contains analysis options and outputs an analysis log.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Run System.Boolean A flag indicating whether the component should run. Allows for quickly turning on/off analysis without disabling or enabling the component. No
2 Design Model GenericDesignModel The model that was analyzed. No
3 Number of Cores System.Int32 The number of cores the solver should utilize. The solver can make use of multiple threads to speed up analysis time. However, the linear algebra library processes are optimized for a single physical core. Thus, the number of cores used should not exceed the number of physical cores the machine has. Typically, it is best to use one less than the number of physical cores, as your operating system and Rhino will be running on at least one thread already. If left empty, the program will auto-discover the number of physical cores and set this value to one less. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Debug System.String An output used to report errors.
2 Design Model GenericDesignModel The generic design model with analysis results.
3 Log System.String A detailed analysis log.

Check-Box Parameters

There are check-boxes on this element that provide additional input control.

Name Available Options Description
Show Progress On/Off Check to display a progress window that informs the user as to the state of the analysis. This is useful for large models to track progress. For small models, it has overhead cost and will only slow down the runs.

Analyze Model.PNG


Load Combinations Window

Modal Options Window

Solver Options Window