Overrides the end releases for a frame element.

Note that because Fenix is reference-based, overriding the end-releases via this component overrides the end releases for the frame element anywhere it is used. The output of this component is not a new design frame element, but is instead a reference to the input design frame element.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Design Frame Element DesignFrameElement The design frame element to override end releases on. No
2 Axial System.Boolean Whether the axial is released. Yes
3 Shear 2 System.Boolean Whether the local 2-axis shear is released. Yes
4 Shear 3 System.Boolean Whether the local 3-axis shear is released. Yes
5 Moment 1 System.Boolean Whether the moment is released about the local 1-axis (torsion). Yes
6 Moment 2 System.Boolean Whether the moment is released about the local 2-axis. Yes
7 Moment 3 System.Boolean Whether the moment is released about the local 3-axis. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Design Frame Element DesignFrameElement The input design frame element with end releases overridden.

Check-Box Parameters

There are check-boxes on this element that provide additional input control.

Name Available Options Description
End End I; End J; Both Determines which end to assign releases at. Note that switching between ends does not reset the release to its original release (due to Fenix being reference-based). If you need to reset to the original releases, you must re-compute the Create Design Frame Element component that originally constructed the frame element.

Assign End Release.PNG