Creates a Design Frame Element, which covers all of the various types of frame elements (steel, wood, concrete, general, etc).


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Line GH_Curve A single line with two points. Do not input polylines. No
2 Design Frame Loads List<LinearElementLoad> List of linear element loads. These can be design frame line loads, design frame thermal loads, or design frame point loads. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Design Frame Element DesignFrameElement The design frame element with the assigned loads and properties.

Create Design Frame Element.PNG

To assign the more nuanced frame element options, click the blue “Assign Properties” button at the bottom of the component. This will bring up the following window:

Design Frame Element Options.PNG

Frame Element Assignment Options

  1. Design Cross Section

    1. Type: The type of cross section to assign. This exists to allow quicker filtering of available cross sections.
    2. Name: The name of the cross section to assign.
    3. Section Rotation: The cross section rotation, in degrees.
    4. Vertical Display Origin: Changes the base point on the cross section when displaying extruded shapes. Does not affect analysis at all.
  2. Design Material

    1. Material Type: The type of material to assign. This exists to allow quicker filtering of available materials.
    2. Material Description: The name of the material to assign.
  3. Reduced Beam Sections

    1. Use RBS End I: When checked, a reduced beam section will be applied at end I. Also displays the RBS options for end I.
      1. See the documentation for the Reduced Beam Section class for a description of the values in the table.
    2. Use RBS End J: When checked, a reduced beam section will be applied at end J. Also displays the RBS options for end J.
      1. See the documentation for the Reduced Beam Section class for a description of the values in the table.
  4. Rigid End Zones

    1. Use Rigid End Zone I: When checked, will apply a rigid end zone to end I.
      1. See the documentation for the Rigid End Zone class for a description of the values in the table.
    2. Use Rigid End Zone J: When checked, will apply a rigid end zone to end J.
      1. See the documentation for the Rigid End Zone class for a description of the values in the table.
  5. Frame Stiffness Modifiers

    1. F11: Axial stiffness modifier
    2. F22: Shear stiffness modifier for shear along the local 2-axis.
    3. F33: Shear stiffness modifier for shear along the local 3-axis.
    4. M11: Torsional stiffness modifier.
    5. M22: Bending stiffness modifier for bending about the local 2-axis.
    6. M33: Bending stiffness modifier for bending about the local 3-axis.
    7. Mass: Mass modifier.
    8. Weight: Self-weight modifier.
  6. Bracing

    1. Flange Bracing: Press this button to show the flange bracing options. These options are used in design calculations and do not affect analysis.

      Flange Bracing

  7. Automesh Options

    1. Press this button to display the automesh options for the design frame element.

      Automesh Options

  8. Post Tensioning

    1. Manage Profiles: Press this button to display the post-tensioning profiles. This is where you can add or modify post-tensioning strands in the frame element.

      Manage PT Profiles

  9. End Releases

    1. End I (Start) Releases: Sets the releases for end I.
      1. F1: Local 1-axis axial release. Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of force/length.
      2. F2: Local 2-axis shear release. Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of force/length.
      3. F3: Local 3-axis shear release. Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of force/length.
      4. M1: Local 1-axis moment release (torsion). Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of moment/radian.
      5. M2: Local 2-axis moment release (bending about the local-2). Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of moment/radian.
      6. M3: Local 3-axis moment release (bending about the local-3). Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of moment/radian.
    2. End J (End) Releases: Sets the releases for end J.
      1. F1: Local 1-axis axial release. Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of force/length.
      2. F2: Local 2-axis shear release. Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of force/length.
      3. F3: Local 3-axis shear release. Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of force/length.
      4. M1: Local 1-axis moment release (torsion). Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of moment/radian.
      5. M2: Local 2-axis moment release (bending about the local-2). Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of moment/radian.
      6. M3: Local 3-axis moment release (bending about the local-3). Specify fixed/free/partial fixity. Partial fixity units of moment/radian.