Creates a new design area element that is offset from the input element by a specified distance and direction. The offset area element does not create its own unique auto mesh. Instead, it uses the exact same mesh as the input design area element, simply offset by the specified distance and direction. Different properties can still be assigned. Loads are not copied.

It is important to remember that this element does not auto-mesh itself, but uses the auto-mesh from the parent element. This means that any additional frames, points, or area elements that do not exist in the same place on the parent element may be disconnected from this offset element.

This component is useful for creating exact copies of a mesh without the need for costly re-meshing. For example, if you are modeling a 24-story building and 18 stories are exactly the same, this component can be used to create 17 of the floor plates from a single parent floor plate, which can dramatically reduce the time taken to mesh your model.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Area Element DesignAreaElement The design area element to offset. No
2 Thickness System.Double Thickness of the design area element. Units for this value are defined in the Model Definitions. No
3 Offset System.Double The distance to offset, in the model unit system. No
4 Direction System.Int32 The direction to offset. The offset always occurs along the local Z axis of the area element (normal to the plane). The direction is taken as the sign of this input. If a negative value is entered, the new element is offset in the negative local Z direction, and vice-a-versa for positive. No
5 Design Element Area Loads List<DesignAreaLoads> List of design area loads to apply to the design area element. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Design Area Element DesignAreaElement The design area element with the assigned loads and properties.

Offset Design Area Element.PNG

To assign the more nuanced area element options, click the blue “Element Options” button at the bottom of the component. See the Create Design Area Element wiki page for a description of these options.

Deconstruct Shell