Allows the user to create a section cut by defining a planar polygon cutting plane. Any elements that intersect the plane (and are not co-planar) will be cut through and have their forces included in the integration.


Number Name Object Type Description Optional
1 Polygon GH_Curve Any planar polygon that can be converted to the specified Object Type. No
2 Side System.Int32 An integer, either 0 or 1, that defines which side to integrate forces on. A value of 0 integrates on the top side (positive Z) while a value of 1 integrates on the bottom side (negative Z). Default value is 0. Yes
3 Name System.String User-defined section cut name. Defaults to an empty string. Yes


Number Name Object Type Description
1 Section Cut SectionCut A new section cut object.

Create Section Cut.PNG

Local Axes

All section cuts have local axes. This type of section cut has its local X, Y, and Z axes aligned with the global X, Y, and Z axes, respectively.

The local axes can be reported by deconstructing the section cut. This will produce a LocalAxes object, which can be further deconstructed using the Deconstruct Local Axes component. This will produce a 3D vector, which can be visualized in Rhino using the Vector Display or Vector Display Ex components.

Displaying local axes generally requires a vector, an amplitude, and an origin point. It is generally advisable to use the section cut’s centroid as the origin point for your local axis vector. The section cut centroid is one of the outputs of the Deconstruct Section Cut component.

An example showing how to display section cut local axes is provided here.