The following shows how to add Section Cuts or Surface Section Cuts to the Generic Design Model. Section cuts may be added upstream or downstream of the Analyze Model component, though it is recommended to add downstream so that cuts may be added, removed, or altered without having to re-run the analysis.

Section cuts may be created in the following ways:

  1. Using the Create Section Cut component. This will create a section cut based on a planar polygon. Any elements that the polygon intersects will be included in the force integration.
  2. Using the Create Section Cut Surface component. This will create a section cut on a surface based on a single line.

Once the cuts are created, they must be merged into a single list. The Add Section Cuts component takes section cuts in as a list, so it is recommended that you flatten the Section Cuts input on the Add Section Cuts component.

Add Section Cuts.png

Components Used

The other components shown are basic Fenix components that are independent of adding section cuts.